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Andersen Lab

New Publications

S. Chivukula, T. Aflalo, C. Zhang, E.R. Rosario, A. Bari, N. Pouratian, R.A. Andersen, Population encoding of observed and actual somatosensations in the human posterior parietal cortex, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 122 (1) e2316012121 (2025). <pdf version>

Haghi, B., Aflalo, T., Kellis, S. et al. Enhanced control of a brain–computer interface by tetraplegic participants via neural-network-mediated feature extraction. Nat. Biomed. Eng (2024). PMID: 39643728 <pdf version>

D. A. Bjånes, S. Kellis, R. Nickl, B. Baker, T. Aflalo, L. Bashford, S. Chivukula, M. S. Fifer, L. E. Osborn, B. Christie, B. A. Wester, P. A. Celnik, D. Kramer, K. Pejsa, N. E. Crone, W. S. Anderson, N. Pouratian, B. Lee, C. Y. Liu, F. Tenore, L. Rieth, R. A. Andersen "Quantifying physical degradation alongside recording and stimulation performance of 980 intracortical microelectrodes chronically implanted in three humans for 956-2246 days" medrxiv 2024.09.09.24313281v1 doi: <pdf version>

Luke Bashford, I A Rosenthal, S Kellis, D Bjånes, K Pejsa, B W Brunton and R A Andersen. "Neural subspaces of imagined movements in parietal cortex remain stable over several years in humans" 2024 J. Neural Eng. 21 046059. DOI 10.1088/1741-2552/ad6e19 <pdf version>

Whitney S. Griggs, Sumner L. Norman, Mickael Tanter, Charles Liu, Vasileios Christopoulos, Mikhail G. Shapiro, Richard A. Andersen. "Functional ultrasound neuroimaging reveals mesoscopic organization of saccades in the lateral intraparietal area of posterior parietal cortex" bioRxiv 2024.06.28.600796; doi: <pdf version>

Claire Rabut, Sumner L. Norman, Whitney S. Griggs, Jonathan J. Russin, Kay Jann, Vasileios Christopoulos, Charles Liu, Richard A. Andersen, Mikhail G. Shapiro. "Functional ultrasound imaging of human brain activity through an acoustically transparent cranial window" Sci. Transl. Med.16,eadj3143(2024). DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.adj3143 <pdf version>


Our behaviors are dictated by our intentions, but we have only recently begun to understand how the brain forms intentions to act. The posterior parietal cortex is situated between the sensory and the movement regions of the cerebral cortex and serves as a bridge from sensation to action. We have found that an anatomical map of intentions exists within this area, with one part devoted to planning eye movements and another part to planning arm movements (Andersen and Buneo 2002). The action plans exist in a cognitive form, specifying the goal of the intended movement.  Current studies involve examining decision making, stages in motor planning, coordinate transformations for sensory guided movements and motion perception.  In recent years we have also used the findings from these animal studies to develop brain-machine interfaces using intention signals recorded from the posterior parietal cortex of tetraplegic human participants (Aflalo et al. 2015).
